Welcome To Highland Plantation

Welcome To Highland Plantation Burn Permits General Assistance Town Officials My Photos

Welcome to Highland Plantation

This site is currently under construction.

You may not be able to access to links, information or documents you need while we are working on the site.

Please email highlandassessors@gmail.com with your request

Business hours- Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. by appointment

Daniel Howard - First Assessor

Lois Bousquet- Second Assessor

Assessors incoming call line 207-628-4247.

Please leave a detailed message. 


Clerk/Treasurer/Tax Collector/Registrar of Voters

Patricia Dunphy- 207-628-2324 / patricia.dunphy130@gmail.com

(Available  Monday -Tuesday - Wednesday and Friday by appointment)



Under Construction











Highland Plantation  Public Hearing Notice

Highland Plantation will hold a 2nd Public Hearing at the Highland Town House on February 21, 2025, at 4:00 PM.

The discussion will address the Plantation’s potential return to the LUPC.